Multiple conduits help channel the water away quickly to prevent flooding. There is no limit of how many rows of box culverts can run parallel to each other and therefore the same applies to link slabs.
Link Slab TMR 2100-2A 2400mm Nominal Length
Product Code: 50207207

Link slabs are TMR approved products and they were designed to link box culverts and create high flow drainage solutions, but simultaneously they can be used as road or train tracks underpasses. As box culverts, Link slabs have a lifespan of 100 years.
Features & benefits
High flow drainage
Full specifications
mPa40 concretemPa40 concretemPa40 concretemPa40 concretemPa40 concretemPa40 concretemPa40 concrete
Australian Standards
AS 3996: 2019
How it works
Base slabs are dropped into place followed by box culverts. If box culverts run parallel, then a link slab is placed in between to enclose the middle conduit. Minimal amount of backfill is required to complete the project.